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A Week In my Life

  Hiiii I am back with a new post!!! Firstly, I saw the comments on the last post and, they were so beautiful. Thanks once again for supporting me. The past week was great, probably more than that. It was an enjoyable experience. So why not give a short (not really, grab some drinks to accompany you)  review on how my week passed. ENJOY :) 23/07/21- Monday: (I truly apologize for my cheesy selfies!) It was such a bright day!! I woke up a little late than usual. My day started at 7 a.m. with some lazy groans (note: your writer is a lazy ass, so don't expect a good morning routine).  I always try to do something productive every morning but, Aarya doesn't want it! It's really effective to have a proper morning routine, cause it surely helps a lot in time management and reducing anxiety. I am still trying for a better one. My mom is my alarm! Cause even if I put an original one, I will ignore it and swift into my dreamland😬, so it better be my mom who calls out my name. I t...

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